Yeah, this basement thing is going slowly. It's been 5 months since my last update. Since then I've finished most of the framing. I also did the HVAC work, installed an electrical subpanel, and started on the wiring. Here are some pictures.
To install the subpanel, first I had to install a 60 amp feeder breaker in the main panel. This was a little tricky since there wasn't a single free spot. I originally planned on moving a couple of the circuits to the new panel. But I noticed there were two double pole 30 amp circuits (in a single quad breaker) both labeled dryer. One was for a dryer downstairs, which we don't have. So that freed up one slot, but I needed two slots (since they don't make a quad 60 amp breaker). I managed to find a quad 50/30 breaker on amazon, so I moved the A/C and they other dryer circuit to that, and swapped out the 50 amp breaker with the 60 amp for the basement. The breaker is on the top left. Let me just say that working with 4 gauge copper wire is not easy.

As you can see, my main panel is on the outside of my house. I drilled a hole beneath the panel and ran the cable through some conduit into the basement. Again, doing this with 4/3 cable is harder than it sounds.
And here's the subpanel in the basement (I only have one circuit wired so far):
I also did some ductwork. Here are a bunch of pictures: